Year Archives: 2021


Both the Santa Barbara dispensary and the Proposition B supporters said that they would closely watch the outcome of the election.

California marijuana advocates have also filed a ballot initiative, but have not launched it yet. If the California legislature passes a cannabis bill soon, it may be popular for residents in other states to follow suit. Even if California does...


Benefits of Thyme Tea

Thyme is said to be the driest and strongest among herbs. Its history dates back to ancient Egypt where it was used for embalming. Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, thyme has been a superstar among herbs. The Romans believed...


Maintain Healthy Hair with Dr. CORY Tips

Thousands of people are suffering from hair loss issues. Selecting an FUE hair transplant is the most effective way to recover hair loss from the most common cause of hair loss known as androgenic alopecia. PRP Toronto (platelet-rich plasma therapy)...


Why Going to the Tooth SPA

People generally like to go to the spa. The dentist? Not really. Lying under the glare of bright lights, you give yourself injections in your mouth and open your mouth wide while someone is drilling - not our idea of...

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