
Alcohol Addiction and Rehab: What you need to know?

Talking about our problems and especially facing them is not that easy. It is even harder when it comes to addictions. People tend to find excuses rather than accept and fight against them. However, it is obvious that the treatment of any type of addiction firstly comes with acknowledgment. Alcohol addiction is not an exception. It usually does not occur to you immediately that you are suffering from alcoholism, you think that you can stop drinking whenever you feel like but then you realise that day by day you are going deeper and deeper and it is becoming hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Before getting to the rehabilitation and treatment, let’s understand what alcoholism is and highlight its main symptoms. 

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a drinking disorder that usually accompanies an uncontrolled desire for drinking. It is not a secret that the more you drink, the more your organism gets used to it. So over time, you have to increase the portions of alcohol to feel “the initial effects” that you strive for. This causes tolerance in your organism which eventually turns into alcohol addiction. 

People usually start drinking to escape from their everyday problems. However, the true causes behind this disorder are unknown. 

Aside from drinking too much, there are other symptoms that people turn blind eye to, not to face the truth. The main symptoms are:

  1. Desire to drink all the time especially alone
  2. Gradually increasing alcohol to feel its effects
  3. Becoming nervous and aggressive when talking about drinking
  4. Having no desire to eat anything
  5. Not caring about anyone other than alcohol
  6. Neglecting hygiene
  7. Missing lessons/work/meetings, etc.
  8. Being unable to control alcohol intakes
  9. Giving up hobbies/activities
  10. Lapses in memory (blackouts)

Your whole organism suffers because of alcohol and over time it becomes more and more noticeable in your outlook and health. The consequences usually are very harmful to your body and brain.

  • Pale skin colour
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Tired look
  • Damaged brain cells
  • Bleeding in the GI tract
  • Depression
  • Mental disorders, etc.

Yet, whenever people realise that the situation is going out of control and they want to stop because they no longer feel “the high”, they can’t. First off, because they are afraid of withdrawal symptoms when not drinking such as shaking, nausea, depression, etc. 

Luckily, currently, there are a lot of rehab centres with modern facilities and numerous ways of alcohol treatment based on patients and their preferences/interests. Let’s go deeper into alcohol rehab and its treatment methods. 

Alcohol rehab and treatment

There are various ways of treatment available nowadays for alcohol rehab. But before getting into any of them, one should go through the main stage: detoxification. 

It is the period that you completely stop drinking any type of alcohol so that your organism starts adjusting to the no alcohol stage. A person might experience withdrawal symptoms during this period. 

After the detoxification, the main treatment phase comes into action which goes under two categories: psychological and/or psychosocial. Find out the main methods used to treat alcoholism below: 

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Dialectical behavioural therapy
  • Drumming therapy
  • Healthy eating
  • Music therapy
  • Trauma therapy, etc. 

There are both free and private alcohol rehab treatments available around the world. One should check the pros and cons of each and most importantly take into account his/her budget. However, if you want immediate treatment, you’d better go with the private one. In case of free treatment, you might have to wait long until your turn arrives. 

If you think that any of your loved ones or you have the abovementioned symptoms, do not hesitate to contact a rehab clinic to receive the treatment. Do not allow it to be too little too late. Avoid unwanted consequences, stop the destruction right away.