Pain Management

How Does Spinal Cord Stimulation Work?

Are you or someone you know suffering from chronic pain that seems to have no relief? If so, spinal cord stimulation may be the solution you’ve been searching for. This innovative treatment delivers electrical impulses to specific nerves in the spinal cord, effectively blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. This article will explore how spinal cord stimulation works and how it can provide long-lasting relief for those suffering from chronic pain.

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a therapy involving implanting a small device under the skin near the spine. The device sends electrical impulses through thin wires called leads, which are placed along the spinal cord. These impulses interfere with pain signals traveling to the brain, effectively reducing or eliminating feelings of pain. This stimulation is often called “neuromodulation” since it modifies how pain signals are processed in the body. So overall, spinal cord stimulation works to improve pain perception and reduce the intensity of chronic pain.

What is the Process of Spinal Cord Stimulation?

To understand how SCS works, knowing how pain signals travel through the body is essential. When you experience an injury or other source of pain, specialized nerve cells called nociceptors send signals up your spinal cord and into your brain. Once these signals reach your brain, they are interpreted as feelings of pain.

The device sends electrical impulses to specific nerves along your spinal cord to transmit pain signals. SCS works by interrupting these signals before they reach your brain. By interfering with these signals, SCS can reduce or eliminate feelings of pain. In general, spinal cord stimulation is a safe, non-invasive way to reduce chronic pain.

Who Can Benefit from Spinal Cord Stimulation?

SCS is typically used as a treatment for chronic back and leg pain that has not responded well to other forms of therapy. It may also treat complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), peripheral neuropathy, and failed back surgery syndrome.

If you suffer from chronic pain and have not found relief through traditional treatments such as medication or physical therapy, SCS may be an option worth exploring. However, talking to a qualified medical professional for spinal cord stimulation in Chicago can help determine if SCS is right for you. They can also help you learn more about spinal cord stimulation and the potential benefits associated with it.

What is Involved in Getting Spinal Cord Stimulation?

If you and your doctor decide that SCS is a good option for treating your chronic pain, there are several steps involved in getting the treatment:

  1. Trial Period: Before receiving permanent implantation of an SCS device, patients undergo a trial period where temporary leads are placed along their spinal cords to test whether or not they respond well to electrical stimulation.
  2. Implantation: If the trial period is successful and SCS is deemed an appropriate treatment option, permanent leads and an internal pulse generator (IPG) will be implanted. This generator sends electrical impulses through the information when activated via remote control.
  3. Follow-Up Care: Patients will need regular follow-up care after receiving an SCS implantation to ensure proper functioning and make necessary adjustments.

To Sum Up

Spinal cord stimulation represents a revolutionary new way of managing chronic pain without relying solely on medication or invasive surgeries. If you suffer from chronic pain and have exhausted other options without success, consider talking with a medical professional for pain management in Chicago to know whether spinal cord stimulation might be proper for you. Thanks for reading.