A bunion is a bump that forms on the big toe joint due to abnormal shoe wear, injury, or arthritis. Bunions form when the first metatarsal bone and the toe next to it move toward each other, which causes a deformity at the base of your big toe and enlarges and deforms the bone and tissues surrounding it. Bunions can be painful and may also cause other problems in the foot if left untreated. Most people develop bunions due to wearing too tight or narrow shoes in the toe box, but they can also be caused by other factors such as genetics, injury, or age.
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from a bunion, you need to see a specialist in treating bunions in Bakersfield. Below are some treatment options for bunions.
- Medication
Your doctor may prescribe medication to help relieve pain and inflammation. This could include over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or prescription medications such as corticosteroids. In most cases, your doctor will recommend medication if you have only a mild bunion. The goal of medicine is to reduce pain and inflammation, while also continuing to wear shoes that fit well.
- Orthotics
Orthotics are devices that fit inside your shoes and correct the alignment of your feet. Orthotics can help relieve pain from a bunion and prevent the bunion from getting worse. If you have a mild bunion, orthotics may be all you need to reduce pain and keep the bunion from progressing. Orthotics can also help relieve pressure on the big toe joint and help take the stress off the bunion.
- Heat and Cold Therapy
Your doctor may also recommend using heat or cold therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation. Heat therapy can help to relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the area.
This can help to reduce pain and inflammation. Cold therapy can help to decrease swelling and inflammation.
- Properly Fitting Shoes
The most important thing you can do to help prevent a bunion from getting worse is to wear properly fitting shoes. Shoes too tight or narrow in the toe box can stress the big toe joint and cause the bunion to progress. The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society recommends choosing a shoe that has a wide toe box and a low heel.
- Surgery
If you have a severe bunion, your doctor may recommend surgery. There are several different types of surgery that can be performed to correct a bunion. The goal of surgery is to remove the bump on the big toe joint and restore the alignment of the bone and tissues. Surgery is successful in most cases, but it is a serious procedure and should only be considered if other treatments have failed.
To summarize, a bunion is a bump that forms on the big toe joint due to abnormal shoe wear, injury, or arthritis. It can cause pain and other problems in the foot if left untreated. Bunion treatment options include medication, orthotics, heat and cold therapy, and properly fitting shoes. If surgery is necessary, your doctor can recommend the best procedure for you, depending on the extent of the bunion.