
Tips on Avoiding WFH Burnout From Experts Who Know What They’re Talking About

Working from home has become a global phenomenon these days and everyone is so happy to not get dressed, work from their spare bedroom, and practically plan out what their day will look like.

It has its positives but working from home certainly has its dangers and you have to be careful with your daily habits in order to preserve your personal health.

Burnout is common for people who work from home and can be extremely dangerous. It can make you feel deflated, make it very tough to be productive, and even affect how you feel outside of your work. It’s a very serious thing and you should do whatever you can to prevent it.

Here’s a few tips from experts who have experience with burnout and know a few things about preventing it.

(1) “Find time to get away from technology and pull your thoughts away from what’s taking up your brain power.”

Chris Kirshenboim is an experienced real estate agent and the owner of Chris Buys Homes in St. Louis. To avoid work burnout, he makes sure to get away from his work when he can.

“Work can absolutely take over your entire life and drain you of any sense of personal life, especially in 2021. Find time to get away from technology and pull your thoughts away from what’s taking up your brain power. Turn your phone off, grab a cold drink, and sit with a book or turn music on in the evening. It’ll help you avoid work burnout and allow you to recharge your mind.”

(2) “Make sure you follow a strict schedule as best you can in order to have some structure in your workday.”

Sean Chaudhary is the CEO of Alchemy Leads, an impressive SEO and Marketing agency. Obviously he spends a ton of time in front of his computer at home and has had to do things in order to prevent burnout. He’s worked out a concrete routine in order to make sure he is at his best each day.

“I’ve set up alarms in my phone to help me take breaks when needed. Make sure you follow a strict schedule as best you can in order to have some structure in your workday. Time can quickly slip away from you and a schedule helps keep you from working without breaks and into the evening.”

(3) “Exercise, proper eating habits, and getting enough sleep can help you feel at your best and avoid burnout from working at home.”

Jeff Parke is an experienced fitness professional and the founder of Top Fitness Mag. He has known about the dangers of burnout for many years and has not only dealt with it himself, but he has helped clients fight it.

“Balancing all of the work you do in your home office with some physical exertion can balance out things and help you fight burnout. Exercise, proper eating habits, and getting enough sleep can help you feel at your best and avoid burnout from working at home.

Make sure you find to do some exercises each day or you’re quickly going to feel sluggish and weak. It doesn’t have to be complicated but could be as simple as walking on a treadmill, spinning on an indoor bike, doing some push ups, doing some squats, or similar things.

Working out and taking care of yourself is the most effective way to fight burnout, so do yourself a favour and stay active (even while at home).”

Bottom Line

Burnout from working at home is something very serious and should be prevented at all costs. Do whatever you can to prevent it and you’ll thank yourself later.

Elaine Allen
the authorElaine Allen