
Understanding the Brazilian Butt Lift

Female body before and after liposuction. Plastic surgery concept.

The Brazilian butt lift is one of the most popular cosmetic options because its results look and feel natural. A study done by the American Society of Plastic Surgery showed that the popularity of this surgical procedure skyrocketed by about 28% in the year 2014. Book an appointment with a West Palm Beach, FL medical spa for an improved lift, shape, and firmness of your backside. Below is everything you need to know about Brazilian butt lift:

Who is a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?

Not every patient is a suitable candidate for a butt lift. First, your goals must match the purpose of a butt lift, which is to resize and shape your buttocks. Additionally, you have to agree with the following:

  •       You want a butt lift without using implants.
  •       You have the right skin tone in the buttocks and hips.
  •       You must have adequate fat stores in your body where the doctor will harvest fat for injection.
  •       You must be willing to keep away from direct sitting for some weeks. People whose job involves sitting may have to take some time off from work.

The Butt Lift Procedure

When choosing a surgeon for your Brazilian butt lift, you have to choose a qualified practitioner because its success will depend on how well it is performed. Remember, not every doctor is competent to perform the butt lift. It will also be a two-in-one procedure. First, the surgeon performs liposuction to collect the fat needed to perform the butt lift. The donor areas normally include the abdomen and the waist. The fat collection involves the use of cannulas inserted through tiny incisions in the target areas. After collection, the fat is then injected into the buttocks to attain your desired shape and firmness.

Recovery After a Brazilian Butt Lift

Doctors recommend that you try as much as possible to avoid sitting directly with your buttocks for about a week or two after surgery. If you have to sit, it is advisable that you place a pillow under your thighs to reduce the pressure exerted on your buttocks. You can resume your daily routine a week after surgery, provided you continue to follow instructions. It is also essential to maintain a healthy weight after you have recovered if you want to have lasting results. Without weight fluctuations, fat cells will not return where they were removed and will remain in the buttocks for years.

Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift

  •       Improves body proportion: This procedure removes fat from unwanted areas and deposits them in your butt and hips to give you a proportional body of your dreams.
  •       Natural hips: Implants will also give you desired results, but they are not natural. On the other hand, a Brazilian butt lift uses natural fat from the body to give you the natural softness you would not find with implants.

Book an appointment today with L.A. Vinas Plastic Surgery & Med Spa to achieve the body shape you’ve always desired. Their experts have also specialized in skincare procedures to improve your appearance, including breast augmentation, facial, facelift, tummy tuck, and liposuction.