
Understand the Different Types of Vaginitis

Vaginal health plays a significant role in your general well-being. A healthy vagina means a healthy body and no sexual insecurities. Problems such as vaginitis can lower your self-confidence and may be a source of stress besides affecting your sex life. Vaginitis refers to conditions leading to inflammation and infection of the vagina. These disorders can result from bacteria, viruses, and fungi infections during sexual intercourse. Other times irritants from soap, cream, and spray can cause vaginitis. The good news is that your women’s health in Boca Raton specialist can reduce or eliminate your symptoms with medications like antibiotics.

Types of vaginitis

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal disorder that causes inflammation due to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria or anaerobes. Usually, your vagina contains both good and bad bacteria in a natural balance. However, the presence of too many anaerobes upset the balance resulting in bacterial vaginosis. Although it is common among women in their reproductive years, other ages are not an exception. Symptoms associated with this problem include foul smell in the vagina, burning sensation as you pass urine, and vaginal itching. While the cause of bacterial vaginosis is yet to be established, unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, and other activities like douching put you at risk for this vaginal disorder.

Vaginal atrophy

Vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis, is a problem that results from less estrogen production. It is common in postmenopausal women and causes vaginal dryness, vaginal itching, pain with sex, itching in the genitals, and unusual vaginal discharge. Other than menopause, women may have a drop in estrogen levels during breastfeeding when using birth control methods such as pills and after cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although some women may feel embarrassed to discuss their symptoms, treatment is essential to ease symptoms and prevent complications such as urinary problems.

Trichomonas vaginitis

It is a vaginal infection caused by a parasite or protozoa called Trichomonas vaginalis. It can affect both genders but is more common in older women. Certain factors such as having unprotected sex and multiple sex partners make you susceptible to this problem. If you have this condition, you can pass it to someone else through genital contact, oral and anal sex. The common reason why this problem spreads quickly is that most people exhibit no signs and symptoms. Since re-infection can occur, treatment is recommended for both you and your sexual partner, and a one-week abstinence period to allow the medicine to take effect.

Yeast infection

Vaginal candidiasis is a prevalent fungal infection and 3 in 4 women might contract the disease at some point in their life. Yeast infection occurs due to the overgrowth of fungus (candida), disrupting the vagina’s natural balance.  It is characterized by a thick, white, odorless discharge and intense itching of the vagina and its opening. Fortunately, you can reduce your risk for vaginal yeast infection by avoiding scented feminine products, douching, and unnecessary antibiotic use.

Keeping up with symptoms of vaginitis like itchiness and vaginal dryness can be frustrating. Reserve a session with your specialist at MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists today for treatment to improve your quality of life.