Weight Loss

How different is Liposuction from lap band?

How different is Liposuction from lap band

Liposuction vs lap band

  1. Liposuction

Some people have a misconception about Liposuction. They believe that it is bariatric surgery, but it is not. Liposuction is a kind of plastic surgery, and it does not fall in the group of weight loss procedure. Liposuction’s core objective is to transform the body shape by taking out fats from certain areas of the body, including thighs, shoulders, abdomen, hips, and buttocks. This unique method was initiated in the 1970s, and over 450000 surgeries are done yearly. Hence, it makes Liposuction a pretty popular surgical procedure among patients around the world. As per a study, it has been confirmed that the fat eliminated with the Liposuction often returns inside a year.

  1. Lap band surgery

On the other side, lap band, which is a type of weight loss surgery, helps a person attain quick and long term results. Before an obese person decides on such a procedure, it is a good idea to take a trained physician’s advice. Lap band surgery in El Paso promotes less appetite and rapid weight loss. In this procedure, the patient ends up with a tiny stomach pouch that allows only some food.

The surgeons use a laparoscope for performing the lap band surgery in El Paso. This procedure is less painful, and the patients can restore from it very swiftly.  But the surgery can bring certain complications such as leakage, band corrosion, and esophageal dilation. Get in touch with a certified doctor to gain immense knowledge about medical weight loss in Las Cruces.

The similarity and difference between lap band and Liposuction 

In both Liposuction and lap band surgery, general anaesthesia is used by the surgeons before beginning. The possibility of scars due to incision is pretty high. Thus, all these are the similarities between both the methods.

After the Liposuction, the patients can expect swelling and inflammation for a month. The patient might witness more fats in some body areas if they do not follow a suitable diet plan and workout practice. It can even lead to a repeat liposuction process. The patients who are seeking a permanent solution can prefer lap band surgery. This weight loss procedure can bring a massive transformation in a person’s life undergoing the issue of overweight for several years.

Call or fix a meeting with your nearby specialist if you think you require a liposuction surgery.