
Hands-on Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in recent years has emerged as one of the most effective solutions to help reduce stiffness, increase mobility and improve the overall quality of life.

Though there is no single physiotherapy technique that solves all muscle problems, hands-on physiotherapy has delivered positive results in most cases.

This blog will walk you through a range of hands-on physiotherapy techniques that have been proven to be effective in the past.

  • Joint Manipulation

Joint manipulation is an excellent technique in which localised end range thrust is given. It’s, in fact, a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint. It is usually aimed at one or more ‘target’ synovial joints to achieve a therapeutic effect. This process pushes past the abnormal barrier to movement and restores your body’s normal range of movement.

  • Joint Mobilisation

In joint mobilisation technique, gentle and repeated mid to end range stretching of specific spinal and limb joints is offered. It is a manual therapy technique in which a continuum of skilled passive movements are applied at different speeds and amplitudes. This is done to restore normal joint mobility.

  • Myofascial Releases

Myofascial Releases technique works directly on the muscle via soft tissue manipulation, and indirectly by stretching the limbs. Here, the aim is to alter the tone of muscle and improve circulation and mobility. This process is excellent in treating stiffness and improving mobility.

  • Deep-soft Tissue Massage

Massages are the most rejuvenating part of hands-on physiotherapy. They vary from gentle to firm deep soft tissue pressure. These deep soft tissue massages are performed to reduce muscle tone, increase blood flow, and restore normal muscle tissue movement in your limbs and spine.

  • Dry Needling

Though sticking needles in your body to relieve pain may sound ridiculous, you will be astonished by the results of this therapy. People suffering from problems like low back pain, musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction, neck pain, or any other muscle tightness injuries using dry needling therapy to help relieve pain have been quite satisfied by the results.

  • Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial trigger points are painful areas in muscle joints. These are a result of microscopic changes occurring in muscle fibers causing them to contract and chronically shorten. Most importantly, these trigger points can be found anywhere in the body and are among the most common causes of chronic myofascial pain.

An experienced trigger point physiotherapist Adelaide can release these painful and tense points in the muscles and treat hyperirritable points in muscles. This process will alter the relative tone and mobility of the affected tissues.

  • Stretching

Stretching is often performed by a physiotherapist to improve the overall range of movement, mainly when you cannot perform these movements alone. It’s one great way to relax your body muscles. It does not just help you improve flexibility but can also prolong the effects of reduced mobility that comes with aging.

  • Neural Mobilisation

A neural mobilisation is a gentle form of manual therapy that aims to assess and address irritated peripheral nerves. It follows a structured approach that treats dysfunction arising directly from a nerve. This technique has mainly gained popularity because it is effective and easy to implement. The mobilization maneuver is performed in a passive manner in which a therapist guides the client through a movement pattern. This technique can also be carried out as part of a self-care program that clients perform independently.

I hope this blog was helpful to you!

You can always try out these hands-on physiotherapy techniques and get rewarded with excellent results.