Hair Care

Hair Transplant Aftercare

One of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures for men is a hair transplant, which is a surgical procedure to deal with baldness or alopecia. The time immediately following your hair transplant is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of your operation. Make sure to keep your head elevated at night, take your medications as prescribed, and check for signs if the graft is contaminated. Avoid swimming pools, as well as sports and strenuous physical activity. Always follow your doctor’s orders to ensure a speedy recovery.

“Taking care of your hair right after the Transplant is very necessary for the expected outcome of the surgery. Failing to do so may lead to an unnatural look & might even result in complete failure of the process along with other complications such as infection in the donor & recipient area.”- Says Dr. Harikiran who is known for the Best Hair Transplant in Hyderabad.

So in this article, Dr. Harikiran will be sharing a few tips for the post- surgery care that you can follow to ensure a better result of your hair transplant.

1. Be Aware Of TheRisks

“Before getting a hair transplant, be mindful of the risks. You’ll probably need multiple surgeries to achieve the ideal hair coverage, and recovery time between surgeries can take months.”- Says Dr. Harikiran. He also added that you can notice hair fall from the recipient area after the transplantation, but new hair will grow in its place. Other risks associated with the procedure include:

  • Scar
  • Infection
  • Excessivebleeding
  • Unnatural hairgrowth
  • Death of hair follicles, resulting in the absence of new hairgrowth

2. Cover YourHead

 For the first 24 hours after surgery, keep your head covered. Your head will be covered with a headband, a bandanna, and a surgeon’s cap after surgery. If you have a bandage over your incision, it will normally be removed the next day. Remove the bandanna and surgeon’s cap the day after surgery, but leave the headband on. When removing headgear, be gentle & careful not to take out agraft.

3. Elevate YourHead

Following your hair transplant, you should sleep with your head raised for at least first three days. After the treatment, keep the head elevated to reduce swelling on the scalp. Sleep on your back with a few extra pillows. Sleep in a reclining chair to minimize movement while sleeping.

4. Look For WarningSigns

You can feel minor discomfort, swelling, or redness on or around the scalp for a few days after your hair transplant. These symptoms should go away in a few days if you allow yourself enough rest and closely follow your surgeon’s instructions. If your discomfort, swelling, or redness worsens, you might have an infected graft. Contact your doctor right away. A yellowish pus can also be visible coming from the graft site or suture line. Contact your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. To minimize swelling, apply an ice pack. Avoid putting the ice pack on the grafted section.

5. Medications

Take your medicine as prescribed. Following the treatment, you will be given prescriptions for different drugs. Take them exactly as instructed for the specified period of time. Your doctor may advise you to take:

  • To deal with swelling, take ananti-inflammatory.
  • Tenderness and  discomfort  in  the  scalp  may  be relieved with     a prescription or over-the-counter pain
  • To assist in the prevention of infection, an antibiotic isused.

6. Don’tScratch


For a few days, the transplanted region may be itchy. If you scratch or pick at the scabs, you risk dislodging a root hair. If you unintentionally dislodge a hair, don’t try to reattach it. If the place where the hair was pulled out is bleeding, dab it with a clean cotton swab before the bleeding stops. Call your doctor and inform him or her of the situation. Consult your doctor if the scratching is becoming unbearable.

7. Wash YourHead

 You should be able to wash your hair within two days of the operation, depending on the surgeon’s instructions and the procedure. Using a gentle cleaning solution like baby shampoo for the first few days is recommended. Use gentle circular movements to apply the shampoo on  the scalp’s surface. It’s best not to rub your hair. Rinse your scalp with clean water in an indirect manner, such as by filling a small bowl with water and slowly pouring it over yourhead.

Using a low-pressure shower and avoid exposing your hair to extremely hot or cold water. Allow to airdry.

If your surgeon has prescribed you a specialized shampoo, follow the instructions carefully.

It’s important to keep the freshly transplanted follicles hydrated for the first three days.

Some doctors suggest spraying the freshly transplanted hair follicles with a sterile saline solution every 30 minutes right after surgery.

8. Choose YourDress

T-shirts with a round neck and a close fit should be avoided as they can rub the transplant area while putting on or off. Instead, go for buttoned shirts or tees with a relaxedneckline.