
Trichology- A Detailed Coverage!

Trichology Is the Study of Human Hair 

As mammals, our body’s hair is a natural element that grows and weans as we age over time. They can get damaged by not taking good care of or diseases, which can lead to loss of hair. 

Trichology comes from the Greek word ‘Trikhos’ meaning ‘hair’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘study.’ It was developed as a branch of study in 1902 at Great Britain. It covered the para-medical science of hair, hair loss, and other problems of the scalp. 

Digging Deeper

A Trichologist is a specialist who deals with trichology seeks to study, test, and report the results of hair and the human scalp. 

As it is a para-medical field, a trichologist would look at the hair related problems in a holistic way. A trichologist would have to consider the age, lifestyle, personal history, any underlying medical condition, weather, genetic factors, and environmental factors. 

After evaluation, then a trichologist can recommend treatments or suggest the possible antidote to hair loss. The prescribed changes to diet and the application of external treatment would be based on the evaluation, considering the patient’s inputs who seek to gain control over hair related issues. 

At times, a trichologist may be required to work with a cosmetologist or dermatologist and even doctors. This is to find out if they are any underlying medical conditions that need to be checked. 

Based on all this, a trichologist can give individualized treatment. That means the treatment would be very specific to the concerned party and may not apply to others. 

Just like how a physiotherapist consults a neurologist or orthopedic doctor for patient-specific techniques to be administered.

Trichology and Hair Loss

Hair conditions can include hair thinning, bald patches, balding, scalp related issues, scarring of hair among men and women. 

A trichologist can help to reduce that or undo it. There is no real cure for baldness, as it could be a multitude of internal and external factors. A trichologist will examine and suggest how to improve the situation. This will require diagnosis and doing blood tests. 

Then after doing a full medical analysis, the history is traced back – then treatment can be started. Thorough consultation at regular intervals may start giving results. 


After the diagnosis is complete and the medical lifestyle evaluated at the FUE clinics, treatment is suggested for the hair/scalp problems. 

For an effective treatment, make sure to go to a trained and certified trichologist or a member of a reputed institution or an association. Treatment may include applying cream, lotions along with necessary dietary changes. 

The health of your hair depends on the good functionality of your organs and the food we eat. A healthy diet consisting of a mixed diet of vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins is a good idea, and some trichologists suggest it. 

Getting enough amount of water and remaining stress-free are big lifestyle changes that do show positive signs. Most important is to remain positive and trust a good specialist, following through with the advice.

Final Say

Looking for experienced trichologists offering a range of trichology solutions? If so, feel free to visit here for a quality scalp and hair loss diagnosis.


Elaine Allen
the authorElaine Allen