
Magnesium chloride and anxiety: all the benefits of this precious mineral

We can define it as the natural response of man to situations of stress and tension. What are we talking about? Of anxiety . A more frequent problem than ever, which affects each of us at least once in a lifetime . A very recurring reaction which, in repeated cases, can create many negative consequences. In this study, we will analyze in detail what is meant by the definition “anxiety” and what correlation exists between it and magnesium chloride magnesium for anxiety.

The elements exposed to risk can belong to both the internal and external world “. A very widespread definition among experts in the field who identify it as an alteration of the common functions of the nervous system.

Faced with the possibility of running into dangerous situations, the brain raises the alarm either to flee or to fight. If this condition persists over time, we see an adaptation mechanism and the situation becomes less and less simple and easy to live with and the symptoms increase.

The types of anxiety disorders

Are there different types of anxiety? The answer is yes . The Statistical Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (called DSM-IV) classifies the following anxiety-related disorders:

Panic Attack ;

Panic Disorder without and with Agoraphobia ;

Agoraphobia without a History of Panic Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ;

Generalized Anxiety Disorder ;

Acute Stress Disorder ;

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ;

Specific Phobia / Social Phobia .

Obviously, more than working on the symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem for a decisive and concrete intervention .

Magnesium and anxiety: is there a correlation?

What happens to our body when it is subjected to continuous pressures and tensions ? The first evidence is that it consumes the stores of magnesium stored in the body faster and in greater quantities.

 In this way, a lack of this mineral is created which immediately manifests the main symptoms starting from the initial muscle discomfort and turning into cramps and contractures.

In fact, you must know that among the main causes of a lack of magnesium there is stress as both mental and physical fatigue put a strain on our balance . Today, more than ever, the intense rhythms of daily life strain the nervous system, which will soon be affected.

Nerve cells do not transmit impulses to the nervous system adequately and correctly ;

An unpleasant situation of cellular hyperexcitability is created ;

A relationship develops between the low levels of magnesium in the body and those of serotonin , the hormone of happiness.