Hair Care

How To Treat Fungal Infection on Scalp Naturally?

To have nice and shiny hair is described as healthy hair. Anyone has this kind of hair, yet some found that the scalp has a condition that can be annoying, which can be itchy. Scalp conditions are common that can be not serious yet irritating. Some scalp conditions include:

  • androgenetic alopecia
  • psoriasis
  • ringworm
  • head lice

Scalp conditions may be diagnosed through a physical examination and history. Health and Wellness provides top organic or natural home remedies to treat fungal infections on the scalp.

Fungal infection on the scalp

The hair is one of the visible parts of the body and is easy to spot when experiencing an issue with the scalp. Like other body parts, the scalp becomes affected by several skin conditions. From itching to inflammation to losing hair, these scalp conditions may cause various unpleasant and annoying symptoms. Hair Care natural treatments can help treat fungal infections on the scalp.

A fungal infection on the scalp is a mold-like fungus called tinea capitis. Tinea capitis is also known as ringworm, a skin disorder that usually affects children. It can be very contagious and persistent. Symptoms of tinea capitis consist of:

  • Itching
  • Scaly
  • Inflamed balding

Tinea capitis is not only called ringworm but also Herpes Tonsurans infection. The cause of this scalp infection is primarily by:

  • Dermatophyte species Microsporum
  • Trichophyton

Fungi penetrate the hair follicle’s external root sheath and invade the hair shaft.

Is it contagious?

Yes, ringworm is highly contagious for 102 weeks before the signs appear. It is contagious until all spores that appear are eliminated, which takes several weeks or months with treatment. Tinea Corporis is caused by tiny fungus spores reproduced in the dead external layers of the skin. It is contagious as long as the spores are alive.

The conditions show that it can spread when contact with other body parts or even to other people, even when you are being treated. Ringworm may clear up itself, but there is no set timetable for it. Therefore, it is best to seek treatment. Keep in mind that several species of fungus may cause tinea. 

It is named ringworm because of the circular shape, and the ring-like appearance of red and itchy spots that are on the skin. Tinea may cause infections on other body parts, but it doesn’t have the same ringworm appearance. You will know that it is based on its signs, like itchiness and redness spots. What makes the scalp infection worse is it develops inside the hair follicles and on the skin on the scalp.

Ringworm causes a bright red ring-shaped rash when appearing on the following areas:

  • Trunk
  • Extremities
  • Face

The body areas that ringworm effects may include:

  • feet
  • groin
  • hands
  • toenails
  • trunk

You can also get a closer look at scalp conditions, such as tinea capitis. There are a lot of reasons why people experience fungal infections on the scalp, which is an indication that some don’t apply hygiene and scalp dryness.   

So, for the scalp condition not to get worse, look for a natural remedy. 

Elaine Allen
the authorElaine Allen