
Hair Loss Due to COVID-19 – What You Need to Learn

Many people who have recovered from the deadly COVID-19 are losing their hair in large amounts.

According to Dr. Mohit Srivastava, it has become among the most commonly reported syndromes in patients recovering from Covid-19.

Dr. Mohit Srivastava directs the hair’ N’ Images clinic. Also, he is a renowned hair transplant surgeon from Surat.

Hair loss as a practical post-Covid-19 complication

Numerous people have reported hair loss as a significant post-Covid-19 complication. Although the waves of pandemics have passed, the underlying healthiness issues have not.

Following are a few of the most commonly conveyed post-Covid-19 difficulties, as well as another concerning issue of large portions of hair loss:

  • Dry eyes
  • Recurrent skin allergies
  • Rashes
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

For several people, hair loss is a problem and an emotional experience.

According to Dr. Mohit Srivastava, an excellent hair transplant surgeon from Surat, patients healed from Covid-19 are experiencing an increased level of hair loss due to the anxiety and inflammatory reactions induced by the viral illness.

Patients usually experience it after about 30 days of recovery, but some patients have observed it during the Covid-19 period.

Some of the many causes of unexpected temporary hair loss include:

  • A modification in dietary habits
  • The tension of suffering from the virus
  • Fever during the condition
  • Associated stress
  • Weight loss
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Persistent post-Covid-19 inflammatory reactions

We’ve seen a twofold increase in the patient’s number whining about hair loss issues. Inflammation following Covid-19 has played a significant role in this.

The following are some of the significant causes of hair loss after Covid-19:

  • A compromised nutritional intake
  • Sudden changes in weight
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Reduced vitamin D
  • B12 levels

Because of a condition is known as Telogen Effluvium, hair loss after Covid-19 is only temporary.

It is a result of the body’s shock due to the fever and other symptoms it experienced during Covid-19.

A person can lose up to 100 hair per day, but Telogen Effluvium can increase 300-400 hair per day.

Patients should eat a nutritious diet that includes natural edible sources of vitamins and iron during their post-Covid-19 recovery.

Consuming a protein-rich and well-balanced diet may be a temporary solution for hair loss.

If people still experience excessive hair loss after waiting 5-6 weeks after eating a nutritious diet, they should see a doctor.

According to Dr. Mohit Srivastava, an expert hair transplant specialist from Surat, the following are some standard hair care solutions that can be used to prevent excessive hair loss:

  • The use of mil
  • Paraben
  • Sulfate-free shampoos
  • Keeping a close check on the itchy and flaky scalp
  • Refraining from oiling
  • Massaging the scalp
  • Using a wide-tooth comb
  • Seeking immediate medical intervention in case of development of bald patches and getting vast volumes of hair fall.

To combat this temporary hair loss:

  • People should not stress
  • Engage in meditation
  • Let recovery and recuperation take their course of time
  • Eat healthily
  • Take natural nutritional supplements
  • Avoid heat and chemicals for hairstyling
  • Refrain from following a sedentary lifestyle

Hair loss will be slowed, and recovery will be accelerated if a nutritional blood profile is performed and all deficiencies are corrected.

If hair loss persists after implementing these changes, it is always advisable to seek medical help.

During Covid-19, is hair transplantation a possibility:

Hair transplant surgery is now possible, thanks to the government’s decision to open all medical institutions subject to strict adherence to statutory guidelines. As an authorized health care center, Hair N Images Clinic is gradually returning to consultation and operations.

The clinic adheres to the IHRS’s instructions (International Society of Hair Restoration). Even if they are more challenging to obtain than COVID-19, the clinic takes precautions against even more dangerous infections such as hepatitis B and HIV as a clinic.

What are the risks of COVID-19 when it comes to hair transplantation?

COVID-19 has not been linked to hair transplantation in any scientific study. After questioning those who had hair transplant surgery at our hospital, there was no proof suggesting the contrary.

Is it possible for you to undergo a hair transplant procedure?

According to Dr. Mohit Srivastava, a fantastic hair transplant specialist from Surat, there is no straightforward answer to the question “Should I undergo a hair transplant?” because each patient and operation is different. Hair transplantation is a surgical treatment, so both the patient and the doctor must weigh the risks and benefits.

Patients’ “medical demands” for hair transplantation are balanced against the risk of catching the virus, as evaluated by both patients and surgeons. COVID-19 is just one of the many risks connected with hair transplantation that must be considered.

As a clinic, they are dedicated to reducing the risks to patients and employees, and they will continue to make efforts to lessen the risks associated with hair transplantation.