
Rules for Implementing Successful Drug Testing in Your Company

These days, all employers prefer to conduct drug tests on their new employees before hiring them. This is done to ensure that productive employees will run their business. This also promotes a drug-free work culture.

You can easily obtain your drug test kit from DrugTestKitUSA’s website, which is well known for offering its products at affordable prices.

The following are the top tips to help starting drug test in your company.

1) Maintain a drug policy in your company

It is important to ensure that your company follows a certain policy regarding alcohol and drugs, which must be as per the rules of the state.

2) All staff must also be involved in your policy

When implementing a new or updated Drug and Alcohol Policy, involve staff and managers in the process. Ensure employees know where to seek support for their own substance abuse issues or concerns about colleagues.

Some companies offer an amnesty period before testing begins, allowing employees to come forward or seek help beforehand.

3) Keep a positive approach

Adopting a positive approach to drug testing shows employees, contractors, and customers that the company prioritizes corporate responsibility and worker safety.

Testing can also help identify mental health issues and offer support to those in need. Using a hygienic, modern method like fingerprint drug testing aligns with TUC’s guidance and ensures dignity and minimal intrusion.

4) Understand the signs of drug abuse

Educate yourself and your team about drug misuse and signs of substance abuse. Train managers and staff to recognize these signs and foster a supportive culture for individuals with drug issues.

According to a 2020 CIPD report, over two-thirds of employers who referred employees for specialist support saw them remain with the company after managing their problems.

5) Use the right drug testing method

Select drug testing equipment suited to your business needs. A quick, user-friendly system, like 10-minute fingerprint drug testing, is ideal for both in-house and remote locations.

Knowing an effective system is available deters drug use. Using such a system for recruitment underscores your commitment to drug-free standards, offering time, cost, and efficiency savings compared to third-party services.

6) Get the consent from the employee

Employees must consent to drug and alcohol tests, so ensure you obtain their written consent using an official form before testing. Your Drug Policy should clearly outline the consequences if an employee refuses to be tested.

7) Don’t ignore if you suspect drug abuse

If you suspect drug use by employees or contractors, act promptly and investigate. Ignoring drug use or controlled drug supply can endanger others and may breach health and safety laws. Conduct a drug screening test immediately if you suspect someone is under the influence at work.

Final word

Refusing to submit to a drug test could be a sign that they have something to conceal, but it could also be for moral, ethical, or health-related grounds. Consult with the employee, balancing their circumstances with company policy.

Remember, drug screening tests are quick and accurate but require laboratory confirmation for non-negative results. Consider factors like prior medications, and consult a Medical Officer if needed.